Yard periods
Our service covers the coordination, supervision, and protection of your vessel during its stay in the shipyard. We also ensure that the owner approves all costs before proceeding, which helps avoid unwanted expenses. We are committed to providing you with the best service possible, so you can enjoy your vessel for years to come.
We ensure that the owner approves all costs before proceeding, which helps eliminate unwanted expenses and surprises.
As a project coordinator, one of the main responsibilities is coordinating with owners and crew. This involves communicating the project goals, timeline, budget, and expectations to all the stakeholders. Also monitoring the progress of the work, providing feedback and guidance, and resolving any issues or conflicts that may arise. Coordinating with owners and crew is essential for ensuring the quality, efficiency, and success of the project.
At our company, we take care of all the insurance and paperwork related to your project. You don't have to worry about any hassle or delay. Our team will handle everything for you with efficiency and accuracy. You can trust us to deliver the best service possible.
We handle all the scheduling and communication with the shipyard staff and contractors, ensuring that your vessel's needs are met in a timely and efficient manner.
We secure your vessel from any unauthorized access or damage, providing you with peace of mind while your vessel is in our care.
This involves setting goals and objectives, defining tasks and timelines, assigning roles and responsibilities, monitoring progress and performance, and communicating with stakeholders.
Maintenance & Repairs
Our experienced technicians are ready to handle anything you throw at them
Yacht Management
Get a monthly ‘mini survey’ on your vessel with our recommendations
Yard periods
Minimize lay days and delays by entrusting your yard period to our capable hands